Thursday 16 December 2010

RADIO DRAMA - Basic Ideas Brainstorm

I got together with my group and we came up with some ideas that we would want to run with for our radio drama. The idea we all agreed on was to do a drama based around a band. Creating a drama about a band is a good idea with lots of opportunities for sound effects and music as well as a good script. It would take the basic soap idea but base it around a band. We wanted to do a basic radio soap but with twists. We then decided to mix things up a bit more. The concept of a band member being possessed came about and we have decided to run with it.

These are the basic ideas we came up with:

Member possessed - change voice.
Band causes fan/fans to become possessed too.
Moral panic coming to life.
Band unaware they are being possessed.
The band is a black metal band - moral panics have been created saying that metal bands have a bad influence on teenagers.

We now need to start looking at a structure for the story.