Thursday 23 September 2010

Audience Theory

Hyperdermic Theory --- All the elements of a media product are put into the brain all at once to make people react in a certain way

Two Step Flow Theory --- Someone views media then goes off and tells others and they go with what that someone has said.

Uses And Gratifications Theory --- How we use media for our own personal gain.

Personal Identity --- People expressing themselves through the media products they like.

Survelance --- Using media for info.

Stanley Cohen - Behaviorist and Psychologist

*Moral Panics

1st Stage - occurance and signification --- worthy of media coverage

2nd stage - the wider social implications --- link problem to wider social problem

3rd stage - social control --- "this is what we should do about it"




* Resigned - Hold strong ideas, done with lives, not looking to do anything else.

* Explorer - Looking for the new thing

*Aspirer - Wanting to constantly improve themselves


*Religion - Christian
* Family Values

*Where you live
* Where consumers live

*The life cycle stage
*The type of house you live in

Thursday 16 September 2010

The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm Review

This radio drama is broadcast on BBC Radio 7 and is someone telling a story rather than different people playing different characters. It's one man's voice telling the story of a character called "Professor Branestawm", it's one episode as part of a series. The narrator does well to describe the situations with enthusiasm and he changes his voice slightly when talking for individual characters to keep the listener interested. The narrator speaks in a friendly and warm tone so the listeners feel comfortable and happy to listen to the drama. The drama is also supposed to have a comedy feel to it and so the choice of narrator is a well made one. The story is both an introduction to the character of Professor Branestawm's physical appearance through the description of him at the beginning and an introduction to his quirks and his character through the story. Both entertaining and easy to listen to, this radio drama feels as though it is aimed at families.