Thursday 14 October 2010


This radio drama had themes of science fiction and fantasy action adventure. The characters used their voices with lots of emphasis because sound is the basis for radio drama and without the use of visuals it can be hard to convey what is going on. The vocal actors did well to put their characters across. Sound effects were also used a great deal, for example when the characters had entered a cave, echo was put on their voices to give the impression of a large open space. Another good use of a sound effect was foot steps when a giant was approaching two characters. This built up the tension. Also, to add more emphasis to dramatic moments, ochestral music was played. It had a hurried tone to it to cause uneasyness in the listener. To tackle the concept of time passing, when dialogue finished between characters, a small silent pause proceeded before moving onto another period of time, or another groupo of people speaking. I didn't find the drama very engaging despite its good use of sound. This was down to the un-interesting story and its slow pace.

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