Thursday 18 November 2010


The Twilight Zone was a science fiction radio drama that had 156 episodes to it's name. Television versions were later made as well as a film in the 1980s. These didn't prove as popular as the radio drama and so in 2007 it was back on the radio. Where most radio dramas relied on sound effects to add more depth, The Twilight Zone however, relies mostly on music to add a sense of eerieness to the drama. The title is also referenced at various points in the drama to suggest that listeners are entering another world through listening to the drama. To start the drama, the theme tune is played, it's now a memorable one and is used and spoofed in other forms of media. And so, the use of a theme tune was a good move. Next comes the narrative vocal intoducing the story, it's a deep voice with an ominous tone, this sets the mood for the rest of the drama. We get an impression of where the characters are through what they talk about and the slang they use. They are talking about directions involving the sea and boats, there is a hum coming from machinery and the characters are saying "captain" and communicating over radio. We can picture them on a boat from these sounds and words. Music intergects between conversation to connote the passing of time. It is also used to build tension, and is sometimes strategically played after questions asked by the characters to build up mystery. Other sound effects used are underwater noises when a character goes diving. What the drama does best is create a tense and unnerving atmosphere through repetition, which is a common technique in horror films. The tension is based around a knocking sound heard from the bottom of the ship. It repeats almost constantly throughout the drama. Tension is built through all the characters discussing it and some getting paniced by it. The drama combines two narratives that run together throughout then combine at the end. So listeners are wondering throughout the drama about two mysterious parts to the story. The Twilight Zone has introduced some new techniques to me and a new narrative style. I didn't find it very entertaining however

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