Monday 14 February 2011

RADIO DRAMA - Editing Process

We have been taking it in turns to edit the same Soundtrack Pro file to keep the project all in one piece and to make it easier for us all to have a continuous say in the editing process. Whilst looking through the script during editing, we realised that some sound effects that we had thought about adding weren't needed or made it hard for the dialogue to be heard. I went through the script and highlighted the bits that we decided to leave out. In this session I worked on adding distortion to the vocal of Zane to make it sound like he is speaking through a megaphone. Below is a screen shot of the editing panel that I used to edit the levels of drive and output.

On the link below, you can hear the dance music track that we have decided to use for background music.

The sound effects that we are leaving out can be seen on the script below:

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