Wednesday 2 February 2011

RADIO DRAMA - Editing Process

Using the dialogue we recorded, myself and my team member Gus started to edit it and add sound effects and musical beds. We used the computer programme Soundtrack Pro. It was simple enough to use, which made it easy to work quickly. First off we read through the script to see what sound effects we'd need. Then we went through the sound effects library listening to various sounds to see what fit best. This is what we focused on for the session. We managed to select appropriate sounds for half of the drama and we edited them in, paying close attention to the volume levels.

For example: with the opening sequence where they are walking through the woods, we chose a woodland soundbed with crickets and frogs faintly in the background. We turned down the sound envelope slightly to give more focus to the vocals. To take the realism further, we added footsteps too.

Further sound effects will need to be added, as well as fade outs and fade ins. We are pleased with our progress. Below is a link to a sound effect we are hoping to use around the mid section of the drama. Its a crowd booing.

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