Monday 31 January 2011

RADIO DRAMA - Recording Process / Final Script

On Thursday 27th, we recorded the basic dialogue for our radio drama. Following the instructions given in our induction, we ran through our script in the studio sixteen times before actually recording. It took a few recording takes to finally get the finished dialogue. We played the parts ourselves, apart from the character of Zane who was played by Alex, not a member of our group, but a vocal talent we brought in because of Tom's absence on the day of recording. Some recordings were interrupted by external noise from the corridors outside the studio, it was hard to record without any background noise. We will have to edit carefully and choose the right time to include sound effects to improve it overall. We are happy with our vocal delivery and the general flow of the script. We know what sound effects we want to add, we just need to figure out where we will get them from and if we need to record them ourselves.

The final script can be read below:

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