Thursday 27 January 2011


Aims Of A Radio Drama:

Get people to listen.
Communicate a message.
Bring script to life.
Speak so you're understood.
Sound as though you are talking to a person.

How To Start:

Read script before broadcast.
Mark script - re-write if necessary.
Check pronunciation.
Get to studio in good time.

Preparing To Read:

Sit with mic around 12" away.
Sit up straight.
No alcohol before broadcast.
Get breathing right.

How Do You Read?

Speak clearly.
Concentrate on pronouncing the first and last letters of each word.
Speak slightly slower than normal.
Vary pitch and tone.
Sound interested.
Emotion + enthusiasm.
Use pauses but no heavy breaths.
Emphasize words to help comprehension.
Listen and learn.
The voice is the best tool that radio has to keep listeners tuned in.
Know your listeners.

Speak at a proper speed, taking time for pauses and to catch breath. Proper rhythm allows you to read a long papaer in a consistent fashion with no difference in speed between the beginning and end. Proper rhythm prevents loss of breath.

Good Pronunciation is essential.

Inflection - using the voice in an almost musical way.

Fluctuation - some moments of dialogue need more emphasis than others.

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