Monday 10 January 2011

RADIO DRAMA - Script Writing Progress

After looking over the first script and getting feedback from others, it became clear that the basic script we wrote needed a much stronger story. The script also was too immature for a radio drama, it lacks strength of story and characters. The main problem with the story was the fact that the character became possessed for no reason, the scenes also didn't flow into each other very well. We decided that the story needed a re-think.

We have come up with another story based around the same theme of 'possession'. Below are notes from our brainstorm:

- Drama based on teen horror movie.
- Characters live in suburb, they are bored.
- They do satanic rituals for fun, think nothing of it.
- Leader of the group is the main character, he influences others - peer pressure.
- Leader convinces others he is possessed and then persuades them to help him commit murder through sacrifice.
- We find out at the end that he is not actually possessed, he is just psychopathic.
- The drama looks into why he did what he did, why he is insane.
- He convinces them by putting a voice on, they find out he isn't possessed when he just murders someone, perhaps one of his followers in a normal way.
- The teens are a part of a cult.
- The drama will comment on peer pressure, the boredom and open-mindedness of youths, the power of influence.

After brainstorming some ideas, we came up with a brief storyline:

1) Couple of friends walking through woods talking about the main character who puts on rituals - this is an intro to the story, characters and setting through a conversation. The "equilibrium" is established.

2) The ritual happens but goes differently to people expect and main character becomes possessed. The upset of the story is established.

3) Possessed teen convinces others to help him, one disagrees and they get sacrificed.

4) They try and do another sacrifice but it is revealed that he isn't possessed and his friends kill him.

From these ideas and the basic plot idea, we are going to work on some draft scripts.

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