Sunday 16 January 2011

RADIO DRAMA - Script Writing Progress

An important aspect to consider with our radio drama is: where can we take it from the first episode? The script that I have written for the debut five minute episode ends with the death of the hero and the apparent triumph of the villain. This is a twist on the classic story structure of good over evil. Below, I have brainstormed some ideas that could be used to make up the drama as a series. I have tried to think of themes and concepts that have a moral or social commentary behind them, to add more depth to the drama. Most dramas do have an almost subliminal message beneath their story. Adorno thought that media products include themes that are pushed from above, this is true in the case of dramas. Although they are presented as purely fictional, they include many moral ideas and modern social issues.

Although the ending seems to be a closed narrative with what seems to be a conclusion, the story lends itself more to an open narrative. I think over the course of the drama as a series, the character of Zane can be developed even further.

The drama could follow his descent further into insanity and the relationship between him and his followers as he struggles to keep them on his side. This would be commenting on how its believed that young audiences' interests in media products are hard to keep.

Zane's character could slowly diminish throughout the episodes as he steadily goes completely insane. The human condition and psyche is proven to be a popular subject in terms of dramas, this would add a more sophisticated edge to our drama. But at the same time, to keep younger audiences interested, there would continue to be violence and social commentary running throughout.
In terms of location, we could either keep the action based in the suburb where it all began, this would allow us to include more characters from the suburb and develop the history of the place.

Or we could steadily move the characters out of the suburb. Moving out of the suburb could possibly be Zane's downfall, it could be a twist in the way that he can't actually survive in the outside world. Even though he thought that's where he belonged. His struggle for control and belonging can also be a running theme.

For another twist, Andy's character could also take a dramatic turn. As Zane slowly crumbles and loses his leadership, Andy could steadily become the new leader of the cult.

For a season finale, the cult of teenagers in the suburb could go against their parents. Their parents could scheme against them, creating their own group to try and stop them, like a twisted neighbourhood watch. This would be commenting on the idea that parents and their kids are always going against eachother.

The cult of teenagers could take over the suburb and make it their base of operations. This would be commenting on the way that people are scared of youths hanging around on estates and living areas.

In our group we are individually coming up with ideas of how we could continue with the drama. If we were to continue with it, we would group together and share ideas on where to take it.

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