Thursday 13 January 2011

RADIO DRAMA - Script Writing Progress

After formulating the new idea with one of my team mates, I went away and wrote a draft script. I bought the completed script into the next lesson and we went through it as a team each playing a different role. We performed it in front of the class and then received feedback from both the teacher and our fellow class mates. We didn't time how long it took to run through so we will need to do that at a later date. The script complete with the criticisms can be seen below. Once we received feedback we went on to discuss which parts needed to be changed. All the criticism was helpful and we agreed with it all.
Everyone in my group was happy with the script I had written so long as the changes highlighted in the feedback session were made. My fellow students were also happy with the script and the drama in general appeared to be well received. We then had a group discussion about which character each of us would play. There are four main characters and so each of us will play a part in the drama. We decided that Cat will play 'Teena' because she is the girl in our group and so her voice will suite the female character. We decided that Tom will play 'Andy' because he has a voice that we thought will suite Andy's apathetic character. We decided that Guss will play 'Zane' because he has a confident and loud voice that suites Zane's extrovert characteristics. And finally we decided that I will play 'Chuck' because my voice would suite Chuck's energetic yet sceptical character. It was important to think carefully about our roles because we needed voices that suited each character.
To progress further with our script, Tom has volunteered to make amendments to the script according to the feedback, as well as writing the final scene. I wrote the basic idea for the final scene, but it needs to be converted to script form. We will then read over it again and hopefully the final script will be ready after a little more development.


Teena - Cat
Andy - Tom
Zane - Guss
Chuck - Jack

These characters will need to be fully developed at a later date.

 With my draft script, I tried to write the story with Todorov's narrative stages in mind. If we look at the script in terms of his "5 Steps Of Narrative" -

Equilibrium - Two friends are walking through the woods on their way to a youth gathering with a sinister element but they think it'll be fine. They are excited and everything is ok.

Disruption - The gathering goes a turn for the worse with a murder.

Recognition - Teena is the only one to realise that what is happening is wrong.

Attempt To Repair - She runs away from the gathering and tries to get help.

New Equilibrium - Zane catches Teena, tries to convince her but she isn't convinced and so he kills her. This is not a happy end, but the equilibrium is restored, even though it is dramatically different.

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