Thursday 17 February 2011

RADIO DRAMA - Editing Process

I continued my work on adding distortion to Zane's voice. The section I was editing had two different character's dialogue in it. When I first tried to add distortion effects to Zane's voice it did the same for all the dialogue. To get around this I added a new track and using the cut tool cut out Zane's dialogue and dragged it into the new track. I had to make sure it was in line with the other tracks of dialogue. Using the new track, I added distortion to Zane's voice without it affecting the other dialogue. Below is a screen shot with the new track highlighted:

Another element I decided to add that we had previously overlooked was the use of scary music to add tension. Horror films always use it and it's a key convention. I decided to add it as a build up to the point where Gus scares Andy. The music suggests that something horrible is going to happen and thus builds up false tension. This is another key convention of horror films, they build up tension around points that could potentially be scary but end up just being something normal. This keeps audiences on edge. I chose a track that had a direct build up. A screen shot of the "scary" audio can be seen below:

You can hear the tension build up track on the link below:

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