Friday 11 March 2011


We had a feedback session where all the groups got together and we listened to each others radio dramas. We also had an outside audience of teenage girls and boys around the same age in to get extra feedback. This was useful for us, because they were all from the age group of our target audience. A comment sheet was filled out by each participant. This allowed them to outline what they liked/disliked about the drama and what they thought could be improved.

The main issues raised with the storyline were:
The ending being a little confusing.
The fact that one of the main characters goes from being sceptical to being converted too quickly.

The main issues raised with the sound were:
The middle section of dialogue is quieter than the rest of the drama and lets it down.
The volume levels at the end make it hard to understand what is going on.

The feedback we received was mostly positive. Our target audience preferred our drama over all the others. This was very encouraging to hear. The most raised issue was the volume levels of the dialogue and sound effects. Another problem was that quite a few listeners found that the ending of the drama was confusing and they weren't sure what had happened. This was down to our choice of sound effects, and so we can easily amend it. One aspect that appeared to polarize opinion was our decision to use repetitive dance music as background audio during the gathering scene. The older members of the audience found it too repetitive and intrusive. But our target audience liked it. Dance music is supposed to be repetitive, and we had to go with our target audience's opinion. Other positive feedback was that people liked the storyline. A few commented on the way the story was easy to follow, others said they liked the modern feel and references to current culture. One comment was that one of the main characters goes from being sceptical to being converted too quickly. This was something we were already aware of and made ammends to. We only received the comment from one listener, who wasn't part of our target audience. So we don't see it as a main issue but if we have time, we may add in some dialogue to make it more realistic.

From our feedback we now need to make the following amendments:

Change the volume levels throughout the drama.
Change the sound effects at the end to make it clearer as to what is going on.

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