Tuesday 22 March 2011

Newspaper Advert - Production

I started work on my Zane character poster by using Quick Selection to cut him out, then I added the same filter as I had done with the Teena poster. I used the same layout as the Teena one, but I decided that I would make the Zane one different and a bit more sinister because he is the villain in the drama.

I made a copy of the cut out figure and rotated it horizontally, then I began adding different filters. I found a shadow filter that changed the colour of the portrait and added a dark glow.

I opted for the colour red for the glow, to connote blood and danger. It looks more eye catching too.

From here, I added it to the original poster layout. I placed it behind the bright portrait of Zane, it looks almost like his shadow. I wanted this to connotte the fact that he says he is possessed in the drama. But it doesn't give away whether he actually is or not, which is the twist in the tale. It's also following the convention that villains have two sides to them.

I decided to stick to the two main characters for my ad campaign because they are what the whole episode revolves around. I also have the balance of one girl and one boy to appeal to more people in my target audience. I think the ads will attract the attention of my target audience, because they are simple, bold and they use modern technology and modern people (the models). The final versions can be seen below:


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