Wednesday 23 March 2011

Radio Drama - Audience Feedback Statistics

Out of the 26 people in the audience:

Problems / Dislikes

19% thought that some of the sound effects were unclear.

76% thought the audio levels needed changing.

38% thought that the storyline was unclear.

7%  thought that too much was happening in the drama.

Positive Feedback

23% people liked the use of sound effects.

50% thought the story line was good.

15% thought the music was a good addition.

7% thought the acting was strong.

Score Out Of Ten




3/10 - 1


5/10 - 4

6/10 - 3

7/10 - 4

8/10 - 1

9/10 - 1

10/10 - 1






5/10 - 1

6/10 - 1

7/10 - 4

8/10 - 2

9/10 - 3


From this feedback, it can be seen that the main issues our audience had with the drama were the audio levels, the storyline and the sound effects. I think that our drama has got a lot going on in five minutes, but we were trying to make it as entertaining as possible. Which I think we have achieved from looking at the scores. The females in our audience seemed to be giving it higher scores than the males. This may be down to the main characters being Teena and Zane who are in stange relationship involving Facebook. Overall we are happy with the feedback we have received. It is generally positive, and we now know where we can improve it.

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